Brown Bag Designs Quilted Basket Heart 3" Cookie Stamp
$ 12.11
- Description
- Size Guide
Made in USAMakes a 3" cookie
Design is carved into the ceramic stamp base
High-fired stoneware
Oven, microwave and dishwasher safe
Glazed fluted handle for easy grip and simple elegance
Lead & cadmium free
Stamps measure about 3" tall
Each stamp comes with an instruction and recipe booklet, tied with a satin ribbon
Brown Bag Designs is famous for creating beautiful stoneware shortbread pans and cookie stamps, all handcrafted in Virginia, USA. The fluted handle is glazed in cranberry red. A special recipe booklet, complete with 5 recipes and instructions, is tied to the handle with a satin ribbon. It's easy to press 3" cookies that "look as good as they taste."
“Brown Bag” evolved out of our philosophy that the small, everyday things in our lives should be as wonderful as possible. What could be more ordinary than brown paper bags? What sweet treat is more common than cookies? Let’s take these humble things that we almost take for granted and elevate them to a level that they become art. These cookies are edible art to be enjoyed everyday, not just on special occasions. Brown Bag Designs brings an artful approach to everyday baking tools.
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Now Cooking
to see this and all our other fabulous items for your kitchen and home!
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